Prediction of Mudik Peak Season

Jakarta—June is starting no longer and it means mudik time is getting closer. Indonesian Police (Polri) predicts the peak day of mudik season will start on next week.

“Peak day of mudik season is predicted on Saturday, June 9 2018,” said Head Chief of Police Operational Traffic Korps, Commissioner Benyamin.

The prediction however related to the extended holiday that will be started on Monday, June 11 2018. As the addition of the holiday, Polri hopes citizen can manage well the travel time to avoid the crowd line.

“We also  hope citizen can organize their time, perhaps some of them can go on Sunday or Monday for instance,” he said.

Jasa Marga also predicts as same as the Polri about the peak day of mudik, especially on Cipularang (Cikampek—Purwakarta—Padalarang) and Padalarang—Cileunyi or Padaleunyi toll road.

“So, yes we agreed that day-6 (June 9) is gonna be the peak day of mudik in Cipularang and Padaleunyi toll road,” said the Head of Jasa Marga Branch Purbaleunyi, Reza Febriano.

Another prediction stated by PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) that states there will be two times of peak day, they are on Monday, June 11 and Tuesday, June 12 2018. The difference of peak day prediction may happen since there are few private companies whose didn't follow government's decree about Lebaran holiday.

During mudik season, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono asks to citizen to follow the traffic signs.

“To all citizen, we hope to follow traffic signs to make a good, save and comfort of mudik,” said Basuki.

According to Minister Basuki, there are three points that should be pay attention during mudik season to make a good way of mudik, those are driving attitute, traffic management and also the infrastructure.