Welcoming Antasari Interchange

Jakarta - The flyover of Antasari Interchange is part of Depok—Antasari (Desari) toll road that is still under construction. The construction has reached over 98% and estimated to complate on April 2018. When the interchange and Desari toll road are connected, the interchange will be connector from Fatmawato towards KP. Rambutan and Antasari towards Desari toll road.

“This interchange will be complate on April because now we are still connecting few parts,” said Deputy of toll manage, Indra Purnadi.

the land acquisition process take a long time enough, so eventhough the interchange project was started on  2015, the construction project was just processed on 2017. As the plan, the completion of the interchange construction will be coincided with Desari toll road Phase I (Antasari—Brigif).

“The point is, Antasari interchange will be complete on April. Most of it was connected to Desari. Our plan for Desari Phase I is also complete on the same time,” Indra informed.

Desari toll road targeted to operated full on June 2018 after the feasibility study for two months. Later on, if Desari toll road is already connected to Bogor, 50% traffic could be apart.  By the existence of Desari toll road, people who want to go to Jakarta from Bogor (or the other way) will have another option beside Jagorawi.

“So, if the toll has been connected to Bogor, people from Bogor have choice, Desari or Jagorawi,” Indra said.