PT ESATAMA ABADI is a private company which was formed in 1976, Pulomas -Jakarta. It was officially announced as a company with the factory on its own in 1982, located at Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor km. 31 , Cisalak.

In the beginning the company started producing and manufacturing kitchen equipments made of stainless steels. Later on, after we made some big capacity water boilers, the company decided to diversify in producing vessels and tanks such as Pressure Vessel, Storage Tanks, Mixer Tanks, Silo tanks, Transportation tanks from small to large capacity.

As we have dealt with a lot of kinds of clients, from local Indonesian companies, until international companies, we have become an expertise in our own field. We have been receiving orders from all different branches such as:

Oil & Gas Companies, Coal Mining Companies, Gold Mining Companies, International Welknow, Food and Beverage Companies, Pharmacitical Companies, Building & Construction, not to mention Water Treatments or some Power Plant Projects.


The company is supported by competent engineers. We provide a service to design a systematic way to produce the best functional product as requested by clients. We apply our scientific knowledge to the solution of technical problems without forgetting on implying the aspect of aesthetical issue.

Manufacturing Fabrication

PT Esatama Abadi has the job shop manufacturing process. Each worker is trained to carry out the EHSE system. They all may contribute to the process of making the product. The process of constructing products is by combining typically standardized parts, using one or more individual processes using the range of processes, from the cutting, bending, assembling, etc.


Even though this service of our is optional for client, we always carry out this task carefully and in consultation with the client to meet their requirements or desires. Not only installation but we also do instillation. This task is sometimes required in order to install a product or a certain system properly.