7 New Toll Roads Ready to Inaugurate This Month



Jakarta –Indonesia Government plans seven new toll roads to be operated on May 2018. To the inaugural moment, Ministri of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) forms an evaluation team for proper test.

“The proper test consist of Ministry of PUPR substance, Ministry of Transportation and Traffic Police Corp of Republic Indonesia,” said Head of Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT), Herry Trisaputra Zuna.

Those seven toll roads are Bogor Outer Ring Road Section IIB Kedung Badak—Simpang Yasmin, Solo—Ngawi toll road Section Kertosuro—Sragen Interchange, Medan—Kualanamu—Tebing Tinggi (MKTT) toll raod Section I Tanjung Morawa Interchange—Parbarakan Interchange, Gempol—Pasuruan toll road Section 2 Rembang Interchange—Pasuruan Interchange, Pejagan—Pemalang toll road Section Brebes Timur-_Sewaka, Pemalang—Batang Section Sewaka—Pemalang interchange, and last Dryport Access Cikarang toll road Jakarta—Cikampek.

Evaluation process will be divided into 3 sub team, where all of the team will evaluate some stages that divided as: Sub Team 1 will evaluate safety and traffic management aspec; Sub Team 2 will evaluate road, bridge and supporting building infrastructure and last Sub Team 3 will evaluate admnistration and operation aspec.

“The evaluation implemeted to fullfil citizen’s hope in technical aspec, operation and administration aspecs as toll road that assure safetiness,” Herry explained.

He also explain that before the evaluation the pra-proper test has been implemented to some of the toll road that nearly to complete. Such as Solo—Ngawi toll road Section Kartosuro—Sragen Interchange and also Bogor Outer Ring Road toll raod section IIB.

As the result, the completion such as touching progress should be completed on the first—second week of May 2018. Meanwhile, for Dryport Accsess Cikarang is completing the improvement surface and pavement and also the equipment completeness for toll transaction that targeted to complete at the end of May 2018.